saya mula menyedari bahawa mungkin saya telah salah
di mana saya semakin lemah dan saya tidak mampu melakukannya bersendirian
tolonglah tinggal bersama saya di sini. ini apa yang saya perlukan.
nyanyikan kami sebuah lagu, dan kami akan nyanyikannya kepada kamu
kami mampu nyanyikannya sendiri, tetapi apalah kami tanpa kamu?
sekarang saya kekosongan, dan ianya telah berlaku sebegitu lama sekali
sejak kali terakhir saya mendengar suara, suara harapan saya
kali ini, saya akan mendengar segalanya
jantung ini, ia berdegup, berdegup untuk awak
jantung ini adalah kepunyaan awak
tolong jangan pergi sekarang, tolong jangan menghilang dari sini.
kedengaran seperti pelik je bila berpuisi dalam bahasa melayu :|
slash and dice.

dah abis. well, lg byk potong dari saw n hostel. nudity tkyah ckap. mmg nmpak. potong sana sini. aku tgk plak lepas makan. mmg best. tk digalakkan untuk tgk, tk kira dari golongan kecil atau besar. terlampau banyak potong, sikit sngat borak2. walaupun aku minat cite cmni, tapi ni da extreme sangat. errr, mual pulak rasenye :|
not that im aware of, but i just learned that u can store memories from childhood or any part from your life in a single song. when you play back several songs from your childhood years, you can easily get a flashback of important memories that happened back then. on top of that, u can also store memories in manga. yep, a real comic manga, can store some of memories, too. i just finished gto (great teacher onizuka), and now im thinking of reading back the manga i had finished earlier this year, such as midori no hibi (midori days) and ichigo 100% (strawberry 100%). man, this does bring back memories :') im getting old now eh. just reminiscing about memories i have back then. but its good, its good :) i love it, u know. to remember back all these things that i've done in my past times, just feel like, sooo good actually. to think that i've gone through all that to be who i am today, is just wonderful. to make an example, blink 182's "i miss you" single will store my form 1 memories. as i heard that song at that time of my age. really remember it, really. so many things have passed now, and im just sitting here, typing stupid posts again and again. feels kinda dumb, though. maybe some part of me has matured itself over these few years. some of my old friends also said that i've changed. idk, have i? i apologize if i have changed. everybody changes. before this, i have swore to a person that i wouldn't change, even if it takes the world to end, i wouldn't change. but it just take a few months, actually, to change me. but i think, that i've changed to a better person. perhaps. hihi. i hope we all would realize someday, that we all would change someday, but what's that at heart will remain at heart. im still young at heart, u know? ngahahahaha :3
should start reading them now. tcre then :3
should start reading them now. tcre then :3
revenant wings.
...I'll be here...
..for what?..
...if you come here...
...I'll be
..I'll be waiting...for
...You'll find me..
...I promise.
sweet eights.
selamat hari setaun lebih tua faz. kau dh besar rupenye. takleh la nk manja2 dah pasni :]
sekarang kat sini kecoh ada video kat youtube yang kutuk tnb or tenaga nasional berhad. hanya sebab kekerapan berlaku blackout kat kawasan rumah diorang. aku tengok video tu. diorang bagi alasan. nak study. exam dekat. kena ada letrik. nak lampu. nak kipas. suddenly takda letrik. takda lampu. takda kipas. then diorang uplod video tu. rapping2 kata tnb bodoh bangang sial carut2 dialek cina la. tak, aku bukan racist. tapi kalo la ko dah ade exam esok hari nye n tetibe elektrik tadak. perlu ke ko nak kutuk macam tu? ape ko fikir ko rap kutuk2 tnb camtu ko da bole datangkan balik letrik? fk la wei. tnb da penat2 cari letrik nak kasi korang nampak muke korang masing dalam gelap sume nak kutuk2 plak. amboih bahasa da la bagus gile pulak. mmg tip top la korang. harapan negara la wei. harap sangat kau orang baca post ni.
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