it's no use giving out philosophies on facebook when you're just another a.hole in the real world. :)
it's 3.30 in the morning and i'm still revising on my Java notes. lazy lazy lazy. i hate the sad feeling of going back to Malaysia when i just about becoming more attach to Sydney. it gets me, every near-end semester.
right now i'm just too lazy to update anything here, if i feel like it, i'll write something new.
reckless and relentless.
muka cover ngantuk. lulz
sekarang pun actually dah ngantuk gilor. nyesal lak tk minum mothers td. keje koloh plop byok. haih. tkpa2 nk full hd punye result punye pasai, mata panda tarak hal. insyaallah, full hd sem ni, aminn :)
hari ni sabtu. best sbb bleh tido bgun petang. hikhik. sesampainye sabtu ni menandakan minggu ke-3 out of 13 weeks dah habis. left only around 90+ days utk habis sem ni. im so eager to finish off this sem 0_0 hmm minggu ni aku kira2 ade 2 hari aku tk pegi class full day sbb terlajak tido -____- time tengah2 sejuk gini memang tk bgun la kalo nk pegi lecture. haha

sekarang pun actually dah ngantuk gilor. nyesal lak tk minum mothers td. keje koloh plop byok. haih. tkpa2 nk full hd punye result punye pasai, mata panda tarak hal. insyaallah, full hd sem ni, aminn :)
are u clean, or are u not?
pakcik bersih :D
sepanjang aku kt kampung, aku ada bincang2 jugak dengan pak sedara aku pasal bersih ni. bukan ape, aku dh tkde idea nk borak apa haha. last2 mcm2 la jugak yg aku dpt tau pasal bersih ni. gini la salasilah yg aku tau pasal bersih ni.
- kempen bersih ni dibuat untuk memastikan pilihanraya d melesia yg ntah bersih ke tak tatau untuk jadi bersih n adil dari sebarang rasuah or ketidakadilan.
- sebelum ni kempen bersih 2.0 ni dah pernah ada bersih 1.0, tapi tak sekecoh yang 2.0 ni. aku pun tatau kenapa.
- sepatutnya kempen bersih ni dibuat sebagai perarakan jalanan, tapi atas nasihat Agung kpd presiden bersih 2.0, maka diorang pun target nk buat kempen kat stadium merdeka. this is so that tiada yang tercedera kut, tapi tadi aku borak dengan ayah aku, dia kata sebab tknak nnt ade pihak2 berita international mcm al jazeera dpt snap, or even 'better' buat video perarakan bersih ni, n siarkan untuk tontonan umum d seluruh negara, maka jatuhlah imej negara n kemudian, jatuhlah ekonomi negara. tapi bila aku fikir balik, kalau ekonomi negara jatuh, rasa2 rakyat rugi lebih or kerajaan yang rugi lebih, or shud i say, orang2 yg berkerja dalam kerajaan? :)
- memang sepatutnya kempen bersih ni dibuat d stadium nasional, tapi polis tak bagi, or ada yang kata, mereka tk dapat kelulusan lagi dari pihak stadium untuk membuat kempen ni. padahal Agung dh bagi green light abes dah. konpius2
- aku tgk kt yahoo meleis tadi, diorang target nk buat jugak kt stadium tu, regardless depa dapat kelulusan ke tak. yuk kita riotkan stadium tu :D
sebagai pengajaran di sini, kita tak perlu taktik kotor dalam apa2 jenis politik. kita cuma perlu keadilan dan saksama dan jauhilah dari apa bentuk rasuah, kerna duit haram memang sememangnya haram.
sepanjang aku kt kampung, aku ada bincang2 jugak dengan pak sedara aku pasal bersih ni. bukan ape, aku dh tkde idea nk borak apa haha. last2 mcm2 la jugak yg aku dpt tau pasal bersih ni. gini la salasilah yg aku tau pasal bersih ni.
- kempen bersih ni dibuat untuk memastikan pilihanraya d melesia yg ntah bersih ke tak tatau untuk jadi bersih n adil dari sebarang rasuah or ketidakadilan.
- sebelum ni kempen bersih 2.0 ni dah pernah ada bersih 1.0, tapi tak sekecoh yang 2.0 ni. aku pun tatau kenapa.
- sepatutnya kempen bersih ni dibuat sebagai perarakan jalanan, tapi atas nasihat Agung kpd presiden bersih 2.0, maka diorang pun target nk buat kempen kat stadium merdeka. this is so that tiada yang tercedera kut, tapi tadi aku borak dengan ayah aku, dia kata sebab tknak nnt ade pihak2 berita international mcm al jazeera dpt snap, or even 'better' buat video perarakan bersih ni, n siarkan untuk tontonan umum d seluruh negara, maka jatuhlah imej negara n kemudian, jatuhlah ekonomi negara. tapi bila aku fikir balik, kalau ekonomi negara jatuh, rasa2 rakyat rugi lebih or kerajaan yang rugi lebih, or shud i say, orang2 yg berkerja dalam kerajaan? :)
- memang sepatutnya kempen bersih ni dibuat d stadium nasional, tapi polis tak bagi, or ada yang kata, mereka tk dapat kelulusan lagi dari pihak stadium untuk membuat kempen ni. padahal Agung dh bagi green light abes dah. konpius2
- aku tgk kt yahoo meleis tadi, diorang target nk buat jugak kt stadium tu, regardless depa dapat kelulusan ke tak. yuk kita riotkan stadium tu :D
sebagai pengajaran di sini, kita tak perlu taktik kotor dalam apa2 jenis politik. kita cuma perlu keadilan dan saksama dan jauhilah dari apa bentuk rasuah, kerna duit haram memang sememangnya haram.
last tuesday, i make stupid decision that changes my whole world. or literally, ripped my world apart. it was a stupid, illogical action that i make at my hometown, terengganu. i won't tell you what is it that i made but its very life-changing, and it hits me in the head and says,
fazrin, you've changed way too much. and you are an ass now. too stupid for even this body could take.
right after making that very stupid decision, i realize that. i've changed, wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much. then i read back all the post in this blog. yeah, i do change that much. i did not realize it. i don't know, but i really think that going to sydney is the thing that changes me that much. i blame it over culture shock. when i think it over, yeah i think it really is culture shock. these past four months, i did not know what the hell were i'm doing actually in sydney. study? pfft. kiss my sorry ass la study. i don't think i study that much. i think when i went to sydney, i became a robot, but without any function. useless robot, as you know, wander off pointlessly. and that's what i am until yesterday. i know it sounds super stupid, and the reason that i give for that decision is more stupid that i could never be stupider, but i can feel myself again. the man who once a happy-go-lucky person, laughs at stupid jokes, and loves a woman.
before this, the robot doesn't laugh, he doesn't even know what to do with his life. he lives life pointlessly. and most importantly, breaks the heart of his loved one.
if you traverse from post to post from the beginning of this blog, you can really see, that i've changed. to a fucking monster. abomination. now, after that decision was made, i lost my dearest one, and i can feel gruesome hatred from every people i see. heck, they don't even want to talk to me anymore. i don't know how to fix these things. i love her. i really do. i know i don't deserve another chance. i don't even know how to guarantee it to you. but i promise you this.
i'll keep this fazrin here in this very body, and won't let him go even if he has to meet his maker.
i know it sounds like janji manis, but this i promise you.
fazrin, you've changed way too much. and you are an ass now. too stupid for even this body could take.
right after making that very stupid decision, i realize that. i've changed, wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much. then i read back all the post in this blog. yeah, i do change that much. i did not realize it. i don't know, but i really think that going to sydney is the thing that changes me that much. i blame it over culture shock. when i think it over, yeah i think it really is culture shock. these past four months, i did not know what the hell were i'm doing actually in sydney. study? pfft. kiss my sorry ass la study. i don't think i study that much. i think when i went to sydney, i became a robot, but without any function. useless robot, as you know, wander off pointlessly. and that's what i am until yesterday. i know it sounds super stupid, and the reason that i give for that decision is more stupid that i could never be stupider, but i can feel myself again. the man who once a happy-go-lucky person, laughs at stupid jokes, and loves a woman.
before this, the robot doesn't laugh, he doesn't even know what to do with his life. he lives life pointlessly. and most importantly, breaks the heart of his loved one.
if you traverse from post to post from the beginning of this blog, you can really see, that i've changed. to a fucking monster. abomination. now, after that decision was made, i lost my dearest one, and i can feel gruesome hatred from every people i see. heck, they don't even want to talk to me anymore. i don't know how to fix these things. i love her. i really do. i know i don't deserve another chance. i don't even know how to guarantee it to you. but i promise you this.
i'll keep this fazrin here in this very body, and won't let him go even if he has to meet his maker.
i know it sounds like janji manis, but this i promise you.
hello blog. its been a while since i've seen u didn't i? :) the life at sydney is quite hectic i must say. but nonetheless, it's treating me well. i've decided to make this post out of boredness here in terengganu. and i thought that tonight i could go and get me some hookah here. yep u heard me, there's hookah in bumi penyu! :) im proud of it. hihi. well, no matter how i long for it, i don't have the guts to ask the permission from my grandmother to go out. she's kind of strict, stricter than my mum to be exact, but in a weird way, that's okay with me. idk maybe she's good to me? :D either way, i'll try to ask her.
back to sydney's life. four months in sydney feels like forever. but a day before i flew back to malaysia, i kinda miss the moments in sydney. the people who drink and became drunk like monkeys at the bar, my friends, i dont know. it suddenly feels like home there. here's my address :D
39/215 Bridge Road
Glebe NSW
2037 Sydney
do come and visit me sometimes :) the weather there before i came to malaysia was around 11- 15 degrees, which is cold. i kinda get used to the weather and that actually is not good for me who came back to malaysia that has the temperature of 38 degrees -______- not to say something gedik or poyo or anything seriously, but it is hot here, im not lying. when you have lived in a cold weather for 4 months, and suddenly you come to a hot country, you'll end up catching fever.
well then, till next time blog. bye.
back to sydney's life. four months in sydney feels like forever. but a day before i flew back to malaysia, i kinda miss the moments in sydney. the people who drink and became drunk like monkeys at the bar, my friends, i dont know. it suddenly feels like home there. here's my address :D
39/215 Bridge Road
Glebe NSW
2037 Sydney
do come and visit me sometimes :) the weather there before i came to malaysia was around 11- 15 degrees, which is cold. i kinda get used to the weather and that actually is not good for me who came back to malaysia that has the temperature of 38 degrees -______- not to say something gedik or poyo or anything seriously, but it is hot here, im not lying. when you have lived in a cold weather for 4 months, and suddenly you come to a hot country, you'll end up catching fever.
well then, till next time blog. bye.
who are to be blamed if the child becomes a rebellion?
my parents doesn't have any sense of humour.
too strict.
too much giving orders.
too much lecturers.
doesn't know the right way to deal with their child.
fails in becoming a good parent.
thinks what's best for the child when the child REALLY don't think so.
im really sad.
just fuck off.
too strict.
too much giving orders.
too much lecturers.
doesn't know the right way to deal with their child.
fails in becoming a good parent.
thinks what's best for the child when the child REALLY don't think so.
im really sad.
just fuck off.
aku tak suka duduk rumah. aku tak kira rumah aku beso mana, ada tv komputer ke apa. aku memang tak suka duduk rumah. aku suka keluar lepak dengan member2 aku. biarpun kehabisan duit, tapi aku still suka duduk lepak dengan diorang berbanding duduk lepak dalam bilik aku sorang2 tak berteman. bila aku lepak dengan member2 aku kat luar, aku rasa best. rasa macam still ada kat intec. the good old times. panjat pagar, tak bawak kad pelajar, kantoi dengan pakgad. memories. haritu ada dalam seminggu aku pegi shah alam 3 kali berturut2. bapak aku marah gila bila aku bg alasan nk tanye member camna nak isi borang mara, padahal borang tu sebenarnye duduk dalam keta je taim aku ade kt sana. aku pegi sana mainly nak lepak dengan member, dengan nak jumpa sayang. shah alam best, serius. kat sana, favorite spot aku suka lepak dengan member adalah seperti yang berikut.
1. Rock Star Cafe @ Seksyen 13 (Xtreme Park)
berlokasikan antara burger king dengan pizza hut, tempat ni memang layan untuk lepak dengan member2. kedai ni bukak lepas zohor tak silap aku dalam pukul 2 cmtu sampai jam 2 pagi. and taim pukul 2 dia bukak tu dah ada sisha dijual untuk santapan customer :D kedai ni diuruskan oleh seorang lelaki 30 - an ni yang lebih dikenali sbg ezzy kat sana. with a slice of pizza, or handful of burger, or chicken from kfc, all of that added with a bottle of hookah. what could possibly go wrong, mate? :)
rating: 5 out of 5
2. Sempeneh @ Seksyen 13 (inner section)
aku ingat lagi aku jumpa tempat ni randomly. mula2 ingat nak cari kedai makan yang normal tanpa ada jual sisha. jalan punya la jalan masuk lorong sana sini last2 jumpa kedai ni yg bersebelahan dengan kedai makan pelaga kat seksyen 13. (rock star cafe juga bertempat di seksyen 13 ye. sempeneh di macam pedalaman sket) mula2 datang tengok fuhh ramai jugak orang kat kedai ni sedap sangat ke -_____- last2 tengok ohh patut la ramai rupanya ada jugak HOOKAH :D ditambah pulak kedai sisha ni diuruskan oleh member aku ni haha layan jugak la. makanan kat sana nak kata sedap tak, nak kata tak sedap pung tak. boleh2 la. tapi harge die macam tak boleh je -___- mahal kot! bagi kami student, harga sebegitu memang tak mampu kecuali dato' ni. kalo dato' ni toksah cite la. kedai tu pun die beli nanti. haha. aku suka tempat ni kalo lepak kat dalam kedai dia sebab rasa macam tenang je. dapat rasa feeling city life. orang2 yang duduk kat luar kedai duk borak2. rasa macam...fuhhh best2 :DDD experience aku kat sini aku nampak megat high isap sisha. hahaha penangan first time sisha smpai berat kepale kau.
rating: 4.2 out of 5
3. Kamal's Corner @ Seksyen 7
tempat ni aku discover taim kedai barra yang selorong dengannya tutup (tempat yg jual sisha je tutup. kdai makan dia bukak lagi hihi) so aku dengan semangatnye berjalan kat area situ untuk mencari tempat bersisha lalu berjumpa dengan tempat ni. kedai ni kat corner lot, agak besar. selalu jugak ramai sebab bila ada bola je orang datang sini nak tengok bola. menyemak je. aku nak sisha la oi. sini maybe ramai sebab budak2 uitm induk yang duduk off campus selalu jugak lepak sini bajet nak overnight study la. last2 tengok tv sisha gak. (aku pun salah seorangnye hahaha) tapi kat seksyen 7 ni banyak2 kedai yang ada sisha, sini aku rasa paling best. aku pun taktau apasal. layan jela. haha. kat sini macam2 jugak la memories yang dicipta. salah satunye, kalashnikov :D ape itu kalashnikov? perisa sisha yang ktorang cipta sendiri dengan mencampurkan semua perisa sisha yg available kat kedai tu. akulah penciptanye hahaha
rating: 4.5 out of 5
4. Restoran Barra @ Seksyen 7
tempat pertama aku pergi sisha kat shah alam sejak aku masuk intec. masa tu jalan shah alam pun taktau lagi. hahaha. tempat ni agak ramai la orang datang sini sbb yang sama dengan Kamal's Corner. ramai student uitm induk yang duk luar datang sini. barra ni besa sket kalo nk dibandingkan dengan kamal sebab dia amik dua lot kedai. tu pun kadang2 aku datang takde tempat nak duduk tau -________- tapi skarang ni aku dah jarang dah pegi barra sebab aku rasa sisha kat kamal lagi layan dari barra. :D
rating: 4.0 out of 5
5. Saad Char Kuey Teow
kedai ni aku discover bila sedara aku ajak datang sini. katenye da bosan da asik pegi kamal je. haha. kat sini nama kedai sisha dia Trio Sisha dengan slogan kata 'we'll make u fly~' aku datang tempat ni sem 3 so macam tak fully discover sangat tempat ni. kedai dia tak besar sangat tapi yg aku tau makanan die sodap2 belako. tapi lebih kurang macam sempeneh jugak la harga dia. -_____-
rating: 4.3 out of 5
banyak lagi tempat2 yang best kat shah alam ni. shah alam ni best :( aku tak kesa langsung kne drive pg balik shah alam janji dapat lepak. tapi kesian gak la kt mkbpk aku kne byr minyak. tapi nnt kalo sume dh fly cmne. name je pegi australia same2. duduk tempat lain2. ade yg jarak 1000 km mak oi. kalo difikirkan balik, shah alam mane la jauh sangat. aku pejam celik pejam celik sampai dah shah alam. bosan duk rumah ni. kalo diorang suh aku duk rumah sbb nk bcakap dgn famili pun mcm tk jugak. dorang buat hal masing2 je. aku duk gak sorang2 dalam bilik. tkde bende nak buat. baik la bagi aku tidur rumah amir tadi. serius best. reunion roomates aku. lepak bk. aku sangat la tak suka bila mkbpk aku treat aku mcm aku budak kecik. im 20 for whatever sake. kadang2 aku dengar jugak dorang kata, 'bila la akim nak matang ni. dah besa perangai mcam budak kecik lagi'. hallu umi, cube tgok. im trying to act like one here. you are the one who didnt give me the chance to be one. blame yourself. bukan mindset aku yang keluar malam simbol aku dh besar. tapi at least give me chance for me to do what i want to do. jgn kongkong aku. aku tk suka. sangat tak suka. jgn smpai bila aku dah kat sana, aku taknak balik mesia dah. boleh jadi do.
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